Tax Deductions

LED Lighting Upgrades Trigger up to 4 Tax Deductions:

  1. EPAct 179D (Energy Policy Act of 2005)|
  2. Partial Asset Disposition
  3. Bonus Depreciation and QIP (Qualified Improvement Property)
  4. Accelerated Depreciation
    • Cost Segregation Study – Forensic, Engineered Onsite Study
    • 3115 Change in Accounting Method

A TaxCentric strategy will offset the capital cost of an LED Lighting upgrade
by 40% to 110% in the first year, for an average of 70% – the LED Rule of 70:

What is the LED Rule of 70?
It is the quickest way to estimate a tax reduction for a capital investment to upgrade to LED Lighting.
On average, a TaxCentric strategy will recover 70% of the turnkey cost of an LED lighting upgrade in the first year.

Simple Payback vs. LED Rule of 70 Payback
The average simple payback results in a 4 year payback.
LED Rule of 70 payback results in a 1.2 year payback.

Contact us to apply Tax Deductions and the LED Rule of 70 to your projects.
Custom Financing Available.